Cygnific x Air France

Elevating Customer Service excellence:
Air France-KLM and Cygnific partnership


Once upon a time, KLM managed its customer service in-house, dealing with different products and services like Business to Consumer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B), and Business to Trade (B2T). However, nowadays Cygnific has taken charge of most customer contacts. This includes helping out with B2C, B2T, and the Small And Midsize Business (SMB) segment within B2B. Now a separate group fully owned by KLM, Cygnific handles customer queries through various channels (phone, social media, chat, WhatsApp, email) on behalf of KLM, with Air France-KLM being its main client.

Air France-KLM and Cygnific’s partnership:

Bas Gerressen (SVP Benelux, Dutch Caribbean and Suriname Air France-KLM) points out the strong connection between Cygnific and KLM, recognizing the essential role of customer service in the overall customer journey. He stresses how positive interactions make a big difference for KLM and build customer loyalty. For him, customer service is like a natural extension of KLM.

“Cygnific stands out by providing quality interactions. Unlike other service centers that focus on speed and cost, Cygnific puts quality first, delivering genuinely personal customer contact. This unique approach is seen consistently, offering customers a ‘one-stop-shop’ experience without unnecessary back-and-forths. The team is into social media and new technologies, operating independently and professionally. With KLM’s complex products and services, Cygnific efficiently shares knowledge with new staff, making them an irreplaceable partner.”

“Cygnific is a crucial partner for KLM, playing a big role in the entire customer journey from booking to post-travel follow-up. They make a difference with personal contact, influencing whether a customer stays with us and comes back on board.”

Bas adds, “Despite challenges like COVID, Cygnific maintains high-quality standards. Their close connection with the market, knowing travel agents personally, creates a collaborative environment. This familiarity helps in finding solutions for customers quickly, a quality highly appreciated. Empowered to help customers without constraints, Cygnific’s ability to make decisions is key to providing complete solutions, achieving high customer satisfaction, and building loyalty.”

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